Friday, October 15, 2010

Internet platform .war gods, not only in-depth and subversion of traditional industries

Internet platform .war gods, not only in-depth and subversion of traditional industries, are interwoven with each other. such as Baidu will adopt e-commerce, Taobao would seep into the search, Apple and Google will break out between the mobile phone operating system war. platform battle has just opened a prelude to the corner.
Hu Yong believes that the future Moncler trend of Chinese companies is that platform-based enterprise and development. He understood that the platform power of the Internet era: the environment will gradually produce such a platform, but one thing hh a sudden the platform in other industries may be in your area a huge intruder. know what it will be where, when there may be many original stick to their own profession by surprise. so I would not think everything in the Internet era have become decentralized, large will collapse, will occupy a small place.

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