Friday, October 15, 2010

If investment of a chip production plant

If investment of a chip production plant, that plant's production capacity is basically fixed; can be a software platform for enterprise the completion of the R & D, each user will bring an additional revenue, increased costs can be negligible. to the current level of development of information technology, the Internet platform for enterprises in crossing the to have a super-cost advantages, increased user Christian Louboutin costs (servers, staff input, etc.) increase is very small.special Internet platform enterprise cost structure decided on the expansion of their hobby. Taobao so, Facebook will on the number of users will never meet. .in a large number of users and accurate based on user data into other industries, create new business models also have super-cost advantage. researchers and management Theories on development Zeng Yi tin to move shares of Phoenix Satellite TV case modeling, research platform expansion (or integration) of the internal incentive mechanism, found that the platform enterprise integration strategy to attract more users, improve the platform share, compared to the cost is profitable.

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