Tuesday, November 16, 2010

But you want to know

nothing about it. At the time was an adult, but was still a student, students will not understand what is really love! The christian louboutin cheap blue Hao, after a year of training, still be the only one of the love for many years, and now they should choose blue Hao face, he did not want the fighting in the future, because this knots in the heart of hearts error, blue Ho does not. It is absolutely in the future is to maintain calm and not mind thoughts. "Yes, there is no back to school, do not know how the school! good expectations! "I heard a breeze to return to school excited said. The blue Ho have suddenly came to the car park, Members are all on the bus, railway stations to go home! SUN Rui Fang support by the arm of the military region has also been sent to the car to go to sail to the airport. "How do we. The public will not sit! ! "The wind look at the 11 members have left, then the blue HO asked. "Of course not, to immediately!" "Blue Hao said here today, the motors roared voice suddenly heard the news, after rigorous training for the blue Hao and wind, of course, aware of the military is how strong the Rover motor. "It is not to? " "This is not....." There is no wind, two rapid rover rip off in front of the blue Hao them. The first car down a soldier or rank second lieutenant. Blue Ho found here, then a salute the king said, "Feng Yun captain! I was the Nanjing Military Area Command of the garrison stationed in Beijing in the second lieutenant, you have a car. " In the breeze stun the expression of blue Hao retaliate a salute faint said: "work hard, you go back, I will tell you something. " ". "The King a second lieutenant salute, a Land Cruiser vehicle left behind. "Blue HO, you have made good preparations! "The wind was extremely impressed with the blue Ho on the view of the Land Rover, the most New! As long as the above what machine guns, rocket launchers, this is an assault vehicle. Look at the front license plates, "You will not be replaced with the military head of the plates! " "Not to say. This is our privilege, you have time to make a good look at our war wolves duties and functions that booklet, although it is not perfect, but you want to know! "Blue Hao said, opened the door on the bus. Sitting in the breeze followed Deputy driving the car, he said: "That, I really have no serious! Back to watch out! " Blue Hao helpless shook his head, launch vehicles, the target location------- The first volume Chapter 53 The Chapter 53 The passage of the vehicle rapid scenery, little of the memory of dust. When the wind suddenly saw vehicles scene said: "Blue Ho, this did not go to school". " The blue Ho turned white eye turned to

This is the hope that the blue hao

go. However, we must return on time, and I have made to the outside not! Hear! " Perhaps this is not easy because the brothers leave slightly diluted the hearts of the tragedy, of course, this is the hope that the blue hao! If there has been immersed in pain, and what to do. Thus players loud replied, ". " "Blue Fangs" Support by the arm of the sea to see the Sun Rui Fang said, "You will return Beijing Sun Rui, all the costs will be reimbursed, you have to remember, you promised to hand fire! " ". I will, I will do so. "fangs firm said. In the eyes filled with determination. "Well, I believe we have come here, that they are ready. during the holiday now, we have gone! Looking at the "Blue Hao players," The smile. ". "players have brought their luggage, disperse. Looking at the team left the Figure Viewed from Behind, blue HO did not know how long it will, as the blue Ho has now been in contact with the core, have been aware that they do not know. Next, it is extremely difficult. "Blue Hao, how do you go home? "See the blank of blue Hao, wind this time has come to his side said. "Oh, I do not want to go back, how to accompany me this is a sad in Hefei City Walk! "Blue Ho back to God, yes! do not want to go home to return home after the reluctant to leave. "I would like to say that they do not know why I always so no family members, not-----was not easy to leave, want to go home, do not allow me to go back and do not perform meritorious services will not go home! "The wind said that the men, s tears wet, and the air, water mixed in. Looking at the deep blue Hao breeze, he know why, for fear that wind, and blue Ho as fear, for fear of returning home after it. Love Time The man, are afraid of getting home! but firm, they will not give up their aspirations, until the day when they complete their own businesses, they will return to their homeland with honor, the return to my dream to the christian louboutin shoes house. " Blue HO a hand in the breeze on the shoulders of slightly patting him that he understands then said, "Well, if so, we are here only spent 10 days of holidays, hope! "The eyes of the sad far looked at the pitch-black clouds, and the boundless sky. "Go, we have to go there? Hao "and the blue side by side and asked the breeze. "back to school or look at it." The pale blue Hao said, the school, it seems that a long time ago, that does not know what the people of the University into the school, do not know what the circumstances, the muddleheaded a love know

Not the surging crowds

gates of the wolf war outside the site where all Member and tidy, waiting for the cremation fire! Inside the fire started christian louboutin quiet turned into flames, burning the wolf war. The core of the sun wake up and down to the Blue Fangs support by the arm of the next annual session, the quiet cry cry. Blue Ho looked at her heart was full of guilt, slow said that "I am sorry that I failed to protect him. " "No! You are not! "Sun Rui wipe off tears in the eyes of the firm said," he went to the soldiers and a feeling that he had a feeling of the right track. He then went on to say, if he! Please do not feel sad, but also do n,t blame anyone. This is my choice. My decision. " After hearing this, blue Ho again ca n,t help but feel the pain. comrades are no longer control the pain in my heart. The Silent Tears that they face mask, perhaps they themselves have not noticed that! All of them slowly raised his right hand of the respect of the most respected salute. Wail voice in the sky was also felt as if the members of the sad, slowly to the rain. Ten minutes, blue Hao them, Sun Rui did not move. quietly waiting for the fire, fire seemed like a hand in the Case of Fire Phoenix will be born again...... The iron gates open slowly, all eyes, would like to see whether it will be a miracle! But the fact is the fact that staff hands solemn crematorium in the hands of the fire started slowly emerging from the ashes Box. "Trinidad and Tobago..... you really bear on the left me? "Sun Rui saw the urn staff holding a loud cry of the conflict will go up in arms and hands urn. Such a scenario that such a tragedy, this kind of pain. Fire in this way. This left the world, leaving the veterans, left his dear sister! Blue HO not to discourage Sun Rui, tears as he has stopped in front of us all..... All comrades in our hearts are rendering them out! all around the Sun Rui, a silent prayer..... The first chapter, No. 52 The Chapter 52 There is no strong funeral, not the surging crowds, not a fabulous citation. All that is, the plain, as usual. However, such as war Wolf team member, it is enough...... The strong voice sounded: "The move, in preparation....... " "bang" guard of honor of guns, and tidy, sound pierced the nearby mountains and ripped open sky----- Members of the war and the wolf fangs support by the arm of the wind is almost collapsed in the Sun Rui, quietly in the hands of the grave site in the fire, which has left the mission, the guard of honor, the whole suddenly on the remaining 10 the number of individuals. A simple funeral to this end, all also attributed to calm. "Well, I now announce the order. "Blue Ho Look at the time has not long ago, immediately 10 points. thus lay down their hearts of the pain loud said, "starting from today, we will have 10 days, we can go home to

Only one of the Sun Rui disappeared relatives fire in the hands of the world

Qinghua University has been accepted and is now receiving training in schools, but she heard the news of her brother died suddenly collapsed in the wake of the first requirement is only a love for her brother off! Blue Ho after hearing the news, the first time to Wang Tao, Wang Tao leader did not hesitate what after all, it is only one of his lover, Sun Rui received applications for the plane. 6 of the blue Hao was seen off at the time of fire. 7 am, the Sun Rui arrived at the time. The car of repression, not to fire, but in order to fire the sister SUN Rui account. Ho went to see the blue window of the landscape, seems to see the world only on fire and his sister SUN Rui, but suddenly one day, only one of the Sun Rui disappeared relatives fire in the hands of the world, only two of them. And now only SUN Rui, a lonely girl! Blue hao really do not know how to face the Sun Rui! Time will not remain in the Holy Spirit, under the escort vehicle mounted in the first time. Each time he has been fixed at a critical time, seven of the crematorium hearses on time. However, waiting here for the fire is the sister SUN Rui. stopped the car was slowly, slowly blue Hao they got off to the fire remains hand carried out of the vehicle. The his lungs to spread the cry, "Ming..... Trinidad and Tobago, so you leave me? Trinidad and Tobago...... "Sun Rui cry cry of running the fire remains hands, with the coffin crying loudly. Blue Hao they stopped, quietly watching the Sun Rui, a look at all. "Trinidad and Tobago, you cannot just dropped I gave up! Trinidad and Tobago, you wake up..... "The very sad to Sun Rui loud cry of wailing, voice seemed pierce the presence of every individual in the chest, almost to suppress their blue Hao gasping for breath. "Colombia, Costa Rica..... you wake up, I know. You just sleep. You will not be whether or not I! Trinidad and Tobago..... "said the Sun Rui suddenly black eyes, for the past. Blue Ho did a sudden big stride forward, which will be exactly the Sun Rui Fu. An eye to eye over her drugs into helping rest, "She is a sad too far, no major obstacle. "Looking at the next 9 Yun Sun Rui face said. "Yes! "After the Sun Rui Fang nodded, and in helping her. We are not looking at the face of blue Hao know that we feel that the Sun Rui! Comrades and lost their loved ones are the same as that is the same! "Let us be hand carried into heroes fire! the "Blue hoarse Hao said, there has been so many things, it will not be able to fully accept the blue hao! 6 people remains grave, lifted the fire, a step further and slowly come to the crematorium. All in the quiet and orderly pace and solemn atmosphere. all in a quiet start and end! However, the presence of all people should not forget this moment, this moment of depression and serene...... The closed louboutin shoes

Get up to the lead

"The response to wind down! The quiet team, led by the staff at the base of the blue Ho came to their barracks. The equipment directly to the barracks in the arsenals of weapons. And then, everybody tacit direct lying in bed calls in sleep. Yes! The continuous fighting a war Wolf teams have really exhausted..... until 6 pm, get up to the lead, Wolf team members are the most rapid reflex dressed in the blue Ho has already waiting in the barracks before players out! Of course does not mean that the blue Hao wake up the pace is alarming, but because the vast blue point, the base of correspondents also found in the sunshine of the Blue chess daughter woke up Hao, he said, "the base is half a meal, so that they are ready. " Thus there is a blue Ho now extremely uncomfortable waiting here for the members of the station there. The sound of the 25 seconds out of bed, members of the armed services at the front of the blue Hao and there is also a member in the face of grease paint added. annual session of the blue eyes. It is out of bed, rather than fighting orders, and how..... you are really nervous! " All of them did not wake up? "Blue Hao loud asked. Players are indifferent to the gas killed eyeful of blue Ho. Blue Ho suddenly came to understand. It is not because we have heard is out of bed, but because it is a member at the moment remind ourselves that we are members of the military, ready for combat, have not relaxed. Hao blue eyes watching the passionate, suddenly felt touched, and felt proud of the Force Commander. Blue Ho suddenly exclaimed, "all have to stand at attention. not to move. "That the arms depots directly to the barracks to go. When the blue hao son again, we had before, it is already heavily armed to the poor will bullets backpack. "I am sure that everyone is hungry, base has made good dinner. Now, the hearing. Turning to the left, canteens,! ! " The pace and tidy, steady Figure Viewed from Behind, firm in the eyes. ---- this is the transformation of the war Wolf, it is also growing in the war Wolf! The first chapter, No. 51 The Chapter 51 6 points, Wolf team members by helicopter to Hefei, fire fighting for their hands off. The day, overcast sky contain all the time. To accompany the crematorium in a car on fire at hand, it is silent, quiet! Perhaps the only vehicle tyres and friction on the ground. The quiet suppressed shrouded in the car. Blue Ho looked at all, but do not know what to say. Fire in a very small when the accident on parents died, and his sister SUN Rui can only rely on one another. She was smart Intelligent Fire hand, is a strong child, with a courage louboutin sale and unyielding spirit, now that the side of the work of studying the An Hui University passed the exam, and also did not give up his sister to study, the fire in the sister SUN Rui

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Since he really wanted for their own good

Jin will be the clear Murong back room, he departed to go to the Ministry of War, looked at him straight in the back gradually condensed into a small point, until no longer visible.
Her heart suddenly settled, maybe, this is what she came to the ancient path of life, although sometimes Murong Kam always give a lofty and not make people close to the feeling.
However, louboutin sale since he really wanted for their own good, but also better than their own flesh and blood to go out alone, away from the good life.
The clear choice in the balance of life.
Now she says he is leaving because he liked Murong Kam too far-fetched.
Not ①
Princess and Royal Highness Mandarin see such a loving way, naturally had no joy, after all, graces of his master, do I like them is also a good thing.
The clear head or some pain he ordered the duck to prepare soup.
She stood by the window, has basically been out of the leaves yellow, looks and apathy, and that you are going through the rest of his life in this palace in it?
She even hesitating, do not know how to face future life.
At that very moment behind her in speaking Mandarin is announce his road, "Princess, soup is ready!"
The clear nod to the dressing table with her head unloading the accessories, like a shiny hair winding water slide.
Embroidered butterfly screen, the Phoebe bucket of water vapor in the dense fragrant lilies with quiet, curl flying. Mo

Did not expect her to be so vicious pet tyrants

Beneficiary of, is the best policy.
See Ying Fei, or Qi Gugu, and welcoming the Princess is voice just like it soft and moist river channel in March, "sister from princes christian louboutin shoes on sale to be see, in fact, there was all because of Princess Xiao Tizi seduce princes." Her voice was foam, but every word is fueled with the motivation.
Ying Fei Road, "know what? Is not no way to get them!" In fact, the way to her cousin, she has to do, and only half past one will also not see good results, but it is seeing the princess in the stomach more to the greater.
Xin Fei Road, "her sister said that day that Xiao Tizi, Princess of Wales will be desperate to face loss of his sister, showing they secretly must be complicit, pregnant princess to see their princes can not wait to be afraid of us sisters points a pet, so I arranged to seduce such a confidant of princes. "
Fei Fei and Xin Ying ③
Ying Fei in the eyes of a cold Road, "loss we had also begged her to let princes pay would rain, did not expect her to be so vicious pet tyrants."
Fanning the flames have been very successful, Yan Fei Ying Fei Road, a faint smile relieved, "her sister Mo angry that people every belly, not everyone can Kande Tou is."
Ying Fei Yan,d also like to incite the meaning Princess, can temper her frustration is that on the.
Ying Fei busy asked, "then how to do ah? So sit still going?" Although, once she and Yan Fei rivalry, it may Xin Fei years did not seem to do things that hurt her.
Xin Fei cold heart smile, the silly woman is trying to pull themselves into the water together, leveraging the power of their own but for the.
Yan Fei So, "we certainly can not wait any longer."
Ying Fei said they put the ear attached to the first whispers about it, Ying Fei suddenly enlightened Road, "a good trick ah sister!"
Yan-Fei face restored smile always quiet and peaceful road, "my sister is flattering, but my sister and sister all these years Wife, naturally united front."
Her that a united front, that the two positions, two people laugh.
But, Murong Kam real relationship with the clear, not those of outsiders Nengkanmingbai.

She is now

Jin looked at Murong the clear, his mouth Qin Zhao faint smile, in that morning light was very warm, just, too narcissistic, right, picked up a great deal like the clear general.
Qingqing would think that, if not met him the first encounter Fang Shaoqi is good, but the heart is fierce burst of sour, has said he is not very clear? You wan he loved the princess.
Cooling off some self-deprecating, why is this wishful thinking on the Fang Shaoqi it? Even if the people rejected her, even though people had married someone else, there will be that unrealistic.
Murong Kam see her staring at her in a daze, her in my arms Road, "like what? With sleepwalking as well."
The clear channel perfunctory smile, "no, thank you good to me!"
Two people back to the palace together.
Last night attended the wedding of Princess, Royal Highness Princess with no way home.
And breakfast this morning the absence of both princes and princesses, this palace for Zhao those women, is how much of an irritation of a message.
At this point, Xin Ying Fei Fei is room for tea, Fei Ying Tao indignant house standing, "do not know is how the princes? Just found favor with christian louboutin on sale the then Jianbi, and this time Princess Cheyebugui any connection with, those of us But the bad side room over the coming days, and you look at lessons learned that day that I just want to Jianbi, Princess to put on my face son. "
Fei Fei and Xin Ying ②
Xin Fei opened leisurely tea cup lid that gently blowing slowly down the argument of the cup of tea, light laughs, "my sister forgot that Jianbi not Jianbi, she is now, like we can with the willow Princess. "She deliberately word that Liu Fei heavy bite.
The word like lightning stimulate Yan Fei, the door to her a lady, but with these little small households, like the women are side room.
It would still not the door, bathing the snow fills even the side room she is very pampered, and now, princes in addition to her beard Deng Yanjing, and even the eye does not see her.
Ying Fei indignant, "You can laugh ... ... ah! Prince ever since the wedding has not entered a bar in your room!"
Xin Fei immediately smile, beautiful eyes bent in the crescent-shaped road, "how can I humble compared with the older sister, just to quiet days is over, which was kind enough to luxury pet princes!" She is interested in say, has been Ying Fei have been self-sustaining with its own origin.
The more reference to her background, her grievances will come like a flood crest.

Not two much time wasted

ld out a sign written on a "Gua" word, that people will see them back on the clear channel, "I see but for the people of the Dragon Lady, is willing to give his wife a diagram count. "
Fortune-telling? Qingqing surprised a moment, think of Murong Jin wanted to go to the Ministry of War for a while, but these are not very much believe that the clear.
Then shook his head, "No, thank you!"
On Murong Kam, "we,d better get back to it! You will not go to a board of war you?"
Jin did not want to see the clear Murong Blake on the idea of a diagram, it is also in accordance with the clear, is preparing to leave.
That old man has Road, "this diagram, Fenwenbuqu. Not two much time wasted."
The clear look at his ragged estimated that the jobs of compassion is also a meal from the sidewalk, "you count it, I will not be less money for your hexagram."
The clear so that the old man reached out to her divination.
That old man was lost in the semi-rates, and looked at the clear face, paused side road, "his wife is a temporary thing in the world relative to Phoenix, and within three years the world will be the queen mother of Miriam." Said the words Shining.
Having it is a fraction of the effort into the crowd disappearance omitted.
The clear yet recovered.
Kam is the face of a cold Murong, if the clear thing in the world with phoenix temporary phase.
Now she is my princess, that is it not their own emperor.
To ... ... As the will is registered Fu Huang Xu Li Murong of Emperor, and he is no rebellion of the heart, but if by others to listen to these words, I am afraid will provoke scourge.
Murong Kam Road, dignified face, "the clear, the words of today is physiognomy can not tell anyone."
The seriousness of the clear see his face but is a little laugh, "if such charlatans who believe that telling a child is said before that I would happily married too! My boyfriend is not married someone else." Speak out She can not help but gently whom tip the scales, how they referred the matter on the.
Fei Fei and Xin Ying ①
Murong Kam listen to her boyfriend, think of the second day of the wedding faint tears in her eyes, said his mouth with her boyfriend married someone else, although the word boyfriend sounds Murong Kam is strange, but think of the clear there always such a strange vocabulary.
Lenovo will also understand that the slightest must be her fiance, and marries another man, or of others, while another man Murong Kam mind that somewhat offensive.
But the thought of cooling off was abandoned marriage, a christian louboutin shoes woman, this is such a big shame.
So he was somewhat pleasant, "He married if it does not with others, how can you meet the king?"
Sounds as if the clear, like picking up a bargain.